While most insured families receive the majority of preventive services for FREE, we offer many different payment options so uninsured patients can still receive the dental care they need & in a manner that fits their budget.
Join Cheyenne Mountain Premier Membership!
Affordable Dental Coverage for Less Than $1/day
The PREMIER PLAN provides discounts from 25-30% on all services. Our Cheyenne Mountain Dental Premier Plan covers services provided only at Cheyenne Mountain Dental Care. When enrolling in the PREMIER PLAN you have access to the greatest savings!
Cost with 12 month agreement:
Single Enrollee: $227 per year Enrollee + Dependent: $368 per year Each additional Dependent: $194 per year
No Insurance? No Problem!
We believe that affordable dental care should be available to everyone. Your dental hygiene & the pride you take in your smile should never be diminished because you do not have insurance.
For less than $1/day, an individual can enroll in an annual membership to receive their biannual preventive hygiene appointments at no cost & get an additional 25–30% discount on all other services.
Our low-cost dental coverage includes the following services at no additional cost:
Dental implants look & feel like your own teeth. With a secure fit, you can finally eat what you want again! Call for more details.
*With approved credit.
Fastbraces®—1/2 the Cost, 1/2 the Time! As Low as $99/mo.
The remarkable new Fastbraces® technology straightens teeth quickly & safely. For far less cost & with treatment times beginning at just 120 days*, Fastbraces® can give you a great smile faster than ever before. Call today for your consultation & more details!
*The statements “1/2 the Time” & “1/2 the Cost” are typical Fastbraces patient experiences relative to traditional braces. Your Fastbraces case may take a longer or shorter time, & may be less or more costly.